Friday, 5 December 2014

Sally Bowles Contemporary Post - The 11 Posts

Choose A Scene.

I have chosen Act 1 Scene 4 where we are first introduced to Sally Bowles. She opens this scene by singing the song 'Don't Tell Mama' which is about her running away from home to be a singer/ performer. I am more focused on the fact that she is shows us straight away her job is being a singer and in the film she also quotes, 'I want to be a star'. This combined has sired my design of her to be based around her want of rise to stardom and this is what her passion is. This part of the scene shows what she aspires to be in the future - a star!

Where Are They and When Is It?

In Act 1 Scene 4 it is New Year's Eve 31st December 1929. Sally Bowles is performing on stage in the Kit Kat Klub. I think it is late that night and she is last to perform before the count down to midnight/ the new year starts so maybe it is 11:30.

Where Have They Just Come From?

Sally Bowles would have just come from the dressing room getting ready to go on stage and perform the song 'Don't Tell Mama'.

What Does The Character Want?

I think looking at the bigger picture of this part of the scene that Sally is hoping she will be discovered by someone important that will help her reach her dreams of being a star. Every time that she performs she wants this to happen and deep inside she hopes it will happen one dayThis relates back to me wanting to use this part of her character as the base of my design.

Why Do They Want It?

Sally wants to be discovered by someone so that her dreams will come true and she can reach her future of stardom.

What Will Happen If They Don't Get It?

As Sally has not been discovered yet these feelings of hope are only small. Therefore in the meantime Sally is just going with the flow by enjoying the Weimar Berlin lifestyle of having fun and everyday is a party of alcohol and sex.

How Do I Begin To Understand The Role?

If I could describe the Kit Kat Girl's character from what I have gathered in this scene she is:
Entertaining: she is performing and entertaining everyone in the club.
Lively: I imagine that when she performs she gives it her all and is so alive in her singing
Passionate: She loves what she does and hopes that if she continues her job it will lead to bigger things
Positive: Even though her stardom hasn't has happened yet she continues be a positive and bubbly girl.

How Would I Begin To Translate That Into Hair and Makeup?

I would choose 1 or two 2 colours that symbolise parts of this scene and put it into my design. The idea of stardom reminds me of 'big' so maybe some features of the design could be big e.g. making the hair have a lot of volume and exaggerating the style, making a facial feature appear bigger.

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