Friday, 5 December 2014

Sally Bowles Assessment Final

These images are of my Sally Bowles Contemporary final look. I think this part of the project has showed my skills of makeup and hair the most as I have created my own designs myself on to a model. This part of the project has also made me notice that I need to choose models that suit my designs otherwise they don't show off my skills at best. I'm happy with the outcomes of this design and I think this is because i was prepared for it the most. I had tested out different products to see what was best for the gold on the eyes and glitter, and green on the lips. I think the eye makeup came out really well too and am really pleased with the results. The eyebrows were my biggest struggle and made me stress because I didn't know how to block out eyebrows and basically did it on the spot without practice. I finally got them about right in the end though and they don't look too bad for a first time try. The hair looks different from the practice I did but that was because I was running out of time and only had time to take the curls out and make the unique twist idea I wanted. I still like the results of it though despite this and the curls look shiny and smooth. I wanted to put green in the hair swell but I had run out of time. I don't think it needs the green though as the makeup is so contemporary. I think I need to work on perfecting my look before I take photos s i do have fly aways it's just that I feel I don't have time to or don't realise until I look at the photos when they're on my computer. I'm hoping to improve these parts on my next project. 

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