Friday, 5 December 2014

Sally Bowles Assessment Final

These images are of my Sally Bowles Contemporary final look. I think this part of the project has showed my skills of makeup and hair the most as I have created my own designs myself on to a model. This part of the project has also made me notice that I need to choose models that suit my designs otherwise they don't show off my skills at best. I'm happy with the outcomes of this design and I think this is because i was prepared for it the most. I had tested out different products to see what was best for the gold on the eyes and glitter, and green on the lips. I think the eye makeup came out really well too and am really pleased with the results. The eyebrows were my biggest struggle and made me stress because I didn't know how to block out eyebrows and basically did it on the spot without practice. I finally got them about right in the end though and they don't look too bad for a first time try. The hair looks different from the practice I did but that was because I was running out of time and only had time to take the curls out and make the unique twist idea I wanted. I still like the results of it though despite this and the curls look shiny and smooth. I wanted to put green in the hair swell but I had run out of time. I don't think it needs the green though as the makeup is so contemporary. I think I need to work on perfecting my look before I take photos s i do have fly aways it's just that I feel I don't have time to or don't realise until I look at the photos when they're on my computer. I'm hoping to improve these parts on my next project. 

Fraulein Schneider Final

 These are the final images of my partner's Fraulein Schneider design that I made up on a model. I think the assessment for this went really well as I got everything finished in time and the pictures came out well. It was relaxing to do a natural look like this with ageing makeup but I don't feel that it shows off the potential of the skills I have learnt from this unit. Overall the images have come out well and shows my capability of creating natural makeup, ageing and a chignon bun.

Kit Kat Girl Final Assessment

These are the images of my Kit Kat Girl design my partner created on me. I thought the pictures came out nicely when we took these but when I took a second look I realised that the eyeshadow should have been more exaggerate going up to the eyebrow bone just so the colour could be seen more as it was a key part to the idea of the design. I like the rest of the makeup although maybe the lips should have been darker. For the hair it looks great in these images except it's more curly on one side but think this is more of my partner's concern.

Practicing On Model

These images are of a practice of my Sally Bowles design on my model. I did everything except block out the eyebrows and put green in the hair but that was because I didn't have the right equipment with me for it. I timed how long it took me to create the design and resulted in 2 and half hours leaving me enough time to still do these two things I hope. When I took the images I noticed the black lines under the eyes needed to be much more clearer and blacker. When I created the hair it wasn't from following a chart but from what I had learnt on how to make a short curly bob. I originally was going to make finger waves at the front of the hair but changed this because I haven't perfected my skill in doing this in time for the shoot. But I don't want to just do the short curly bob as it is a basic hair style of the 20's/30's. So when I created the hairstyle in the practice I played around with the hair and tried to create a unique twist to this. In the end I twisted the front side curls and pinned them into a big pin curl on the side of the head.This still references Sally as it references how she wants to be unique.

Practice Fraulein Schneider

My partner in the times assessment part of this project has chosen Fraulein Schneider as her historical character. The image above is a practice of her design. The look is quite natural but is of a much older woman, therefore I have had to apply wrinkles to my model's face. I think our practice went really well. The hardest part was making the hairstyle which is a chignon bun but that was because the first part was confusing. Overall I feel prepared and ready for the assessment.

Sally Charts

In this chart I have made the eyes appear larger by drawing a black line further underneath them and filling the space in with white. The eyelashes on top and under will be false lashes and this part whole part of the design presents the idea of Sally's dream to be big - a star. The gold on the lids and under also relates to stardom and the Egyptian history and trends I have researched. The lips are a green and black ombre representing Sally's green nails and her want of being unique. There is also gold glitter on top of the lips to also symbolise the stardom. Her skin is pale with contour to represent the 30's trend of pale skin along with the thin eyebrows.
This chart is very similar to the one above except the eyes are more exaggerate. The black line would be the same curve and width away from the eye underneath but onto the black line would be drawn under the eyebrows. This would make full almond shapes around the eyes. The real eyelashes would be whited out on top and bottom and false lashes would replace them on the black lines on the top lines and bottom lines. The gold on top of the 'new eyes' relates to stardom and the Egyptian history and trends I have researched. The green under the new eyes create a unique twist to the look representing Sally's want of being unique and her green nails. This goes the same for her lips.

Overall I have decided the first chart is my final because I think comparing the two, the second chart's eye makeup may be too exaggerate. The eye makeup will take up a lot of time and concentration so the 2nd chart may take too long to create. I look forward to testing this look and seeing the outcome results.

Sally Hair Charts

Originally I wanted the hair of my Sally Bowles design to have long curly hair with lots of volume but thought, combined with the makeup, it would be too contemporary and wouldn't portray any of the 30's theme. Therefore I decided to keep the hair short and curly so that it is clear this is a contemporary version of the 30's Sally Bowles. I found it hard to choose a hair style for this design just because I've only learnt how to make a curly bob and not much else so I didn't want to just stick to that but instead try and have a little twist to what i know. I chose instead to practice that hairstyle first and then change something about it to make the twist of it and then drew this hairstyle above. The twist is that a gathered the few front curls and made a big pin curl on the side of the head out of them.

Kit Kat Girl Final Charts

This is my final chart for my historical Kit Kat Girl character. I decided to use a purple shade on her eyes as this symbolises her bad happening of being left alone. There is blue in the eyeshadow too to give it a smoky purple effect. The lips are a dark red colour as this was a trend of the 30's to have raspberry coloured lips. The cheeks are lightly blushed to complete the look along with a pale complexion. She also has thin eyebrows as all women of the time had thin eyebrows. To create this part of the design the original eyebrows on the model need to be blocked out and then a thin line will be drawn on top of each brow. Most of my chart was inspired by the trends of the 20's and 30's as it has to be historical.

This is my final hair chart for my Historical Kit Kat Girl character. I wanted the hair to be a curly bob. As the model is me I have a fringe that is too short to curl so thought this would be better to have swept behind the ear. I chose this hairstyle as it is a historical style from the 20's/30's.

How Would You Begin To Translate That in Makeup And Hair? (Historical Character)

I think purple is a good colour to use from this scene because it symbolises something bad is going to happen which is that the character is left alone. Also it symbolises mystery which also relates to her character as what happens is a mystery. I think she would have her stage makeup on still as she would have probably done it herself as she likes to look on stage and  would continue to wear the same hair and makeup when she isn't on stage. She would have powdered her face and fixed any stray aways from the performance as it is New Year's and she does want to look her best.

Sally Bowles Contemporary Post - The 11 Posts

Choose A Scene.

I have chosen Act 1 Scene 4 where we are first introduced to Sally Bowles. She opens this scene by singing the song 'Don't Tell Mama' which is about her running away from home to be a singer/ performer. I am more focused on the fact that she is shows us straight away her job is being a singer and in the film she also quotes, 'I want to be a star'. This combined has sired my design of her to be based around her want of rise to stardom and this is what her passion is. This part of the scene shows what she aspires to be in the future - a star!

Where Are They and When Is It?

In Act 1 Scene 4 it is New Year's Eve 31st December 1929. Sally Bowles is performing on stage in the Kit Kat Klub. I think it is late that night and she is last to perform before the count down to midnight/ the new year starts so maybe it is 11:30.

Where Have They Just Come From?

Sally Bowles would have just come from the dressing room getting ready to go on stage and perform the song 'Don't Tell Mama'.

What Does The Character Want?

I think looking at the bigger picture of this part of the scene that Sally is hoping she will be discovered by someone important that will help her reach her dreams of being a star. Every time that she performs she wants this to happen and deep inside she hopes it will happen one dayThis relates back to me wanting to use this part of her character as the base of my design.

Why Do They Want It?

Sally wants to be discovered by someone so that her dreams will come true and she can reach her future of stardom.

What Will Happen If They Don't Get It?

As Sally has not been discovered yet these feelings of hope are only small. Therefore in the meantime Sally is just going with the flow by enjoying the Weimar Berlin lifestyle of having fun and everyday is a party of alcohol and sex.

How Do I Begin To Understand The Role?

If I could describe the Kit Kat Girl's character from what I have gathered in this scene she is:
Entertaining: she is performing and entertaining everyone in the club.
Lively: I imagine that when she performs she gives it her all and is so alive in her singing
Passionate: She loves what she does and hopes that if she continues her job it will lead to bigger things
Positive: Even though her stardom hasn't has happened yet she continues be a positive and bubbly girl.

How Would I Begin To Translate That Into Hair and Makeup?

I would choose 1 or two 2 colours that symbolise parts of this scene and put it into my design. The idea of stardom reminds me of 'big' so maybe some features of the design could be big e.g. making the hair have a lot of volume and exaggerating the style, making a facial feature appear bigger.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Katy Perry - Dark Horse

Katy Perry - Dark Horse Ft. Juicy J

In the music video of Katy Perry's song, Dark Horse, the theme of the video is Ancient Egypt. Throughout the video she is dressed in various contemporary versions of Egypt, especially when she is on the thrown portraying Cleopatra. Her eye makeup has different details referencing the 'Eye of Horus' design in each scene. She even has the blue eye shadow on in some scenes that Elizabeth Taylor wore as Cleopatra. It's interesting to see how other people, even singing artists like Katy Perry develop different makeup ideas for their own work from Egyptian references. We even see her hold the symbol of the 'Eye of Horus' up to he own eye clearly symbolizing the wealthy power she has while sitting on her throne as Cleopatra.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Elizabeth Taylor - Cleopatra and the 60's

The image above is of Elizabeth Taylor playing the title role 'Cleopatra' the 1963 film. Her eye makeup in this film looks absolutely stunning as it makes her eyes pop. Your attention could almost be drawn towards them if it weren't for her jet black, plaited with gold hair against her pale smooth skin. I do love the look altogether though, don't get me wrong.
During the 60's this film made fashion go crazy over her Elizabeth Taylor's eye makeup and the trends were all about big beautiful eyes with false lashes and thick black eyeliner cat flicks.

Joseph L. Mankiewicz, (1963) Cleopatra [ONLINE] Avaliable at: [Accessed 25th November 2014]

Anita Berber Continuity Design

Round 1

Round 2

After finishing the 2nd round of my continuity I realised I'd made so many mistakes! The curls haven't been pinned in the right place and 3 curls on one side of the head are bigger than the first time I did the design. I think I over did the eye makeup the 2nd time round/ didn't pput enough eye makeup on the first time round. I forgot to bring my images of the first round when I did the second so I couldn't remember how I placed the curls. Obviously my main mistake was this because if I had remmebered to bring my images the continuity would be alot better and similar. At least I did well with keeping the skin and lips the same.

Hair Practice

For my Sally Bowles character I wanted to try practicing finger waves. The images above are of my results of this style. I had to make barrel curls in certain sectioning to make the curls go in the same direction and waves. I think I did this correctly but only really managed to create one finger wave. Despite this it still looks like a 30's hairstyle. I'm not sure if I would use this in my final design as it takes a while to create and will elongate my time management. I also think it's too perfectly sculpted and shaped for Sally. She's a fun girl and loves to let her hair down, therefore it her hair shouldn't have to look perfect.

Pat Mcgrath

The makeup artist Pat McGrath work is mostly known for his eye makeup designs. He creates eyes that look much larger than they are using fake eyelashes and has creative use of colour around the eye area. I love being creative with eye makeup and Pat McGrath's work shows some amazing work that I find inspiring. For my Sally Bowles contemporary character, in the film Cabaret her eyes appear really large which I think symbolizes her dream of being a star (big). I really liked this feature and want to take it further in my contemporary design and make her eyes look larger. McGrath's work is perfect inspiration for this type of design I want.

Kit Kat Girl Charts

These are two charts I made for my Historical Kit Kat Girl Design. My character is meant to have her stage makeup on as she has just done a performance but is now relaxing in the club. The amount of eye shadow worn is exaggerate as that is how eye shadow looked in the 1920s-30s. I chose purple for the first as it references something bad is going to happen which is that she is left alone. The blue eye shadow refernces the colours of the time which one of them is blue. The lips are both a dark shade of colour as it reminds me of mystery as we don't know much about this character and can only guess what her life is like. I wanted the face to stay pale but when I test my final chart I will try out blusher too to see if this works better.

Monday, 1 December 2014


Around the 1920's fashion was inspired by Ancient Eypt and the film 'Cleopatra' (1917) starring Theda Bara as the title role. Also the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb was discovered in 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter. These moments inspired the fashion world and advertisements of Egyptian references were made everywhere.
These designs were exhibited i the Metropolitan Museum of Art and have Egyptian patterns on them.

Egyptian Hieroglyphics

'The Eye of Horus'
The Eye of Horus is an egyptian symbol of royal power, protection and health. It is the eye of the sky God, Horus who appeared as an eagle. The symbol was known to protect a Pharoah's after life and keep evil away. The design of this eye symbol is the most detailed of the eye symbols. There are simpler drawings of the symbol but this is the most detailed image. I've referenced this image because it relates to my idea of wanting to create eye detail that stands out in my design of Sally Bowles. Her eyes are made to look big in Cabaret and I think this was done to make her look different and resemble her want of being a star (big). So I thought I'd research the detail Ancient Egyptians put into their art of eyes.

Marlene Dietrich

Marlene Dietrich was an actress in Berlin, starting her acting career in the 1920's. She performed in theatres and in silent films but found her fame in 'The Blue Angel' (1930) playing the character Lola-Lola. She her fashion as in the above image appeared quite androgynous as she wears a white suit and tie. She remids me of how Sally tries to be different by having green nails, but Marlene is different by wearing clothes that are quite masculine. She was known for her androgyny and wasn't afraid to stand out in the crowd with her style. In the 1930 film, 'Morocco' Marlene played the leading role of the performer, Mademoiselle Amy Jolly, infamously dressed in drag and kissed another woman. Despite her style of and being known for her androgyny she would also be seen wearing feminine clothes. 

Ugly Pretty

The image was photographed by sososo and the model (America's Next Top Model Cycle 19 Winner) Laura James is portraying a zombie on an apocalyptic set. This is challenge to make something that is ugly and disturbing look oddly beautiful and edgy. Laura has committed to this challenge of character and pushed through to make something ugly look pretty. She has a load of blood on her face and rips in her sleeves but her face looks so edgy and her is so high fashion that it collaberates with zombie theme and works to make an ugly pretty image. I also like how her positioning looks awkward and makes me feel uncomfortable as well as think how did she pull off holding that position in place and not fall over!
This is an example of how the androgyny of Weimar Berlin was something ugly that everyone foud so attractive because being androgyny drew this people in and I think they loved how something so strange and weird could be something so beautiful and cool.

Divine Decadence

"I would almost guarantee you that any dessert will taste better if you use the full fat (dairy)," she said. "It just tastes richer and creamier. I have made low- or nonfat cheesecakes, but no matter how much you try, it will never taste like a traditional one." - Kasha Stoll
- this quote shows such a good example of how to explain divine decadence because personally, I'm having a hard time trying to explain it so here is my interpretation of Divine Decadence:
Divine Decadence is like living a life you know is bad for example, taking drugs - you know it's a bad addiction or a bad thing to do and could cause harm or addiction but you can't stop taking them because you love the feeling.
Divine Decadence is a guilty pleasure, you know what you're doing is bad but you can't help it because you love the feeling.
Weimer Berlin is an example of this because the lifestyle is all about having sex with whoever, taking drugs and drinking alcohol and not caring about the effects it can have on themselves and everyone around them because you love the pleasure, fun and freeness of the lifestyle! 
Cliff quotes in the Cabaret script - 'But I like those parties. The truth is I like the whole city. It's so tacky and terrible and everyone's having a great time. If this were a movie, you know what would happen? A volcano would erupt - or there'd be a tidal wave...' He is describing the Berlin lifestyle - he knows its ridiculous but he loves how much fun he is having in the town.

Different Styles of Sally Bowles

Emma Stone has recently played the role of Sally Bowles in the broadway show. In the image above I think Emma stone is working a side of Sally's personality which we don't see very often in the film - she may talk about sex a lot but the body language and lingerie outfit in this photo shows Sally's sexual side. I think this is quite different from the other portrays of Sally Bowles I have seen because in the film she just persues a fun cool character trying to stand out and in the play when blonde Sally Bowles sings she is holding a loll pop showing her sickly sweet personality to the audience as shown in the image below.

Leigh Bowery

Leigh Bowery was mainly known for being a club promoter and a nightlife fixture. He opened the club Taboo in 1985 which was known to be like an underground party and had a defiance of sexual convention, and an embrace of what Bowery called 'polysexual' identities. He was also an art performer and was well known withing the art industry. His makeup was always exaggerate and to me looks like abstract art on a face. The image below was taken by Werner Pawlock. I think it looks like a collaboration of the primary colours and icecream. Its seems quite experimental as the pink ice cream looking hairstyle on his head is had texture different shades of pink, where as the colours on face and finger nails are very block looking with little variety of shade in comparison to the hair. I think it works together though because the face is white matching the white texture in the hair piece especially at the top.
Photography by Werner Pawlock.

Party Monster VS Cabaret

Party Monster is a 2003 film starring Seth Green as James St. James and Macaulay Culkin as Michael Alig. When I first watched I only realised later that it was based on a real story and became more fascinated with the film. Michael and James are the leaders of the Club Kidz in the 80s who live for the party lifestyle and love to dress extravagantly to express themselves. Michael starts as a promoter in the night club the Limelight and hosts expensive events which his manager Peter Gatian doesn't quite appove of as it is costing him money. The film is drug heavy and it is as if the party life is revolved around drugs. Everyone is just dressed up crazy and love takin drugs. So trippy. Michael's addiction starts to take a downward hill as he never pays his drug dealer, Angel and when Angel confronts him it takes the worse turn as Michael murders him, chops him up into a box and disposes his body in a river. Lovely.
This film in comparison to Cabaret is shows that both casts love to party but in Cabaret the lifestyle is revolved around sex and Party Monster is more revolved around drugs.
I think that James and Michael both share characteristics of Sally Bowles as James, like Sally loves attention and the glamour lifestyle whereas Michael, like Sally is living in his own world of chaos and too selfish to think about anyone else but himself and having fun. Although they both share have characteristics of Sally, Michael relates to her more as the story in Party Monster revolves around him more and his personal downfall with drugs like how the story of Cabaret revolves around Sally and her pregnancy and abortion which is a personal trait. James just shares her personality traits of wanting to stand out in the crowd and express himself.
Peter has some personality traits of Cliff as they are both responsible and try and tell Michael and Sally to change heir ways and get them out of their fantasy lifestyle that everything is fun and glamorous but they need to face the truth of their faults and idiocy.

Can I please just include that I love these quotes, they're brilliant:
'You're just jealous because I'm getting away with murder.' - Michael Alig
- definitely something Sally would say to Cliff because she thinks he's jealous of her always having fun.
'I'm not addicted to drugs, I'm addicted to glamour' - James St. James
- reminds me of how Sally lives in her own fantasy world hiding from facing the real world.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Sally Bowles Practice

These images are of my Sally Bowles design I've practiced on myself. I think it was a good first try and made me think of what needs to be tweeked and changed for this design. I really like the concept of what I am going for and really happy I didn't struggle trying to get the eye shapes symmetrical. I don't think the shape is fluid looking as the black line starting from corners need to have a smoother curve drawing to the outer part of the eyes. I also think it looks too thick and almosts resembles clown makeup which I definitely want to avoid as that isn't what I'm going for. The eyelashes also need to have the same thickness ratio as the bottom lashes are thicker than the top and I think they would look better if they were similar to the top lashes instead of being thicker. For the skin I wanted it to look quite contoured and so this needs to be exaggerated more so it can be shown more on camera.
If I want gold eyeshadow I am going to need to make it much thicker to be seen on camera. I can exagerate it by taking the gold right up to the eyebrow as well. I experimented with 2 different products for this - b. sunner eye shimmer which didn't stand out enough and didn't thicken up on the eye as much as I wanted it too. The gold shade from my Kryolan grease Palette worked better as I could thicken it more and it also stood out.

I took the first image thinking I was finished with the lips but then noticed the top line wasn't black enough on camera so I went over it more and it looks a lot better in the 2nd image. I think I do need to work on perfecting the outline making it smooth and the upper lip needs a bit more green on it. I also was indecisive about whether I should have a layer of shimmer or glitter on top of the lips just to complete it and reference my idea of Sally Bowles' dream to stardom in my look. I think I prefer the idea of glitter and making her lips sparkle for this design as that references my idea more clearly than using a shimmer effect.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Practice of Kit Kat Girl Design

These images are of a practice my partner for the assessment did of my Kit Kat Girl Design on me. I think that the hair design worked out really well in the practice as the curls were all going in the same direction down the sides of my head. For the makeup I like the pale skin tone but think it could have some blusher applied to the cheeks so the face is a focus of one and not just on the eyes and lips. The eyebrows are supposed to be blocked out and two thin brown lines would be drawn on top of the eyebrows as replacements but wasn't done during this practice as my partner had already practiced this technique in her own time. I think the shape of the eyeshadow could be more exaggerated just so it can be seen on camera as I don't think it makes the design noticable or interesting with the eyes open. The lighting where we practiced wasn't the best though so I thought maybe the lighting is making it hard for them to be noticeable. I like the lip colour although maybe it could be slightly darker just to make it pop more and be the colour I was originally looking for.